Is it possible to be a credible professional and a happy human being at the same time? It is possible if we know the strategy and have the necessary supporting system. Before we discuss about external sup- porting system, let us ensure that we have what it takes to be credible and happy. Therefore, we need to enhance our resilience to have a good fighting spirit and be able to break through the difficult chal-lenges while at the same time enhancing our well-being to keep us in a good mental, physical, and social state, especially in the setting of virtual or hybrid work environment.
Priorities in 2022
Punya pertanyaan lebih lanjut?
Enhancing Your Resilience & Well-Being
Targeted Outcomes
- Able to implement the right mindset and attitude to be resilient.
- Able to stay happy and healthy while keeping our best performance at work.
Specific Program Benefit
Relevant case study and post-webinar implementation.
Sejak 2008, Daily Meaning sebagai people development consultant sudah bekerja sama dengan berbagai perusahaan dari berbagai industry. Selain itu, kami juga mengadakan public webinar dan online course untuk umum. Daily Meaning selalu mengutamakan customized program yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan audience agar manfaatnya sangat terasa dan menjawab kebutuhan secara efektif.
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